Bunkley Trail

Distance - 1.6 mi.

Located on the northern end of the Wilderness Area, Bunkley stands alone in its appearance as one of the most different trails on the island. After a 2008 lightning strike burned the surrounding area, Bunkley is characterized by its primary succession habitat. Unlike the rest of the island which is shrouded in live oaks, Bunkley traverses through dense undergrowth.

Running almost straight north to south for 1.6 miles, the habitat structure makes it impossible to get lost on this trail. Access Bunkley either from North Cut Road, the Brickhill Trail spur, the Main Road, or Killman Field Trail. If time allows, see some of these other trails as well. Consider taking the Brickhill spur route, where you pass through a wetlands area over a few boardwalks. After rain, Bunkley Trail may be muddy or flooded.


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