Featured Photographers
It’s said that every photo tells a story. We’d like to tell you a story about our photos.
As you can tell, beautiful photography is an important part of our website design. Did you know that the majority of the photos on our website were taken on a Georgia Conservancy trip or event by a volunteer?
Many images represent not only the best photography of a precious place, sometimes it’s the only photo. In the effort to protect Georgia’s most important precious places, having beautiful photos to help us make our case has made a tremendous difference. Georgia and The Georgia Conservancy is indebted to these amazing photographers. While many have contributed, we’d like to say thank you to a few of our favorites.

Phuc Dao
“The Great One”, as he is now known in Georgia Conservancy photography circles, almost missed his first Georgia Conservancy trip. Registering for the Okefenokee late a few hours before the trip started, Phuc and his friend, Nagmesh, raced to the Okefenokee from Atlanta - barely making it to the refuge before the gates closed. We're sure glad they made it!
Phuc shot some of the best Okefenokee Swamp pics we’ve ever seen. Soon he was shooting on almost all of our trips. Phuc left an incredible legacy at the Georgia Conservancy and his photos make up the majority of images on our website.

Andre Turner
As a boy, Andre was enamored with the outdoors, exploring the wild with friends, family and his scout troops. Time passed, bright lights and big cities called, and Andre left the woods behind, but his love for the great outdoors remained, buried deep inside like a glowing ember waiting for the right time to catch fire. That time came in 2010 when a hike to Panther Creek Falls with The Georgia Conservancy and Keeping it Wild reignited Andre’s love of the outdoors. In an effort to share it with friends, family and co-workers, he picked up his camera and started shooting. And kept shooting.
Andre has honed his craft and his photography is regularly featured at The Georgia Conservancy and has been selected to represent the State of Georgia on the official State of Georgia Road Map.
Visit Andre's photography website

WillIam Brawley
William is doing his family proud. A “legacy” member of the Georgia Conservancy family, following in the footsteps of his Great Aunt and early GC champion Virginia Harbin, Will has been one of the most active photographers at Georgia Conservancy events and day trips over the past five years.
When Will is isn't exploring Georgia with the Conservancy, he is often on adventures both near and far capturing incredible imagery.

Julian Buckmaster
Keep calm and shoot fantastic photos - that’s the motto of the UK’s greatest photographer of Georgia’s natural places, Julian Buckmaster.
Julian and his wife, Wendy, have been a part of the Georgia Conservancy since 2012, when their now “Cumberland famous” daughter Laura Buckmaster was an intern with the Georgia Conservancy’s Stewardship Trips program. Julian has been a regular photography contributor on Georgia Conservancy Stewardship Trips.
Visit Julian’s photography website.

Becky Rentz
Becky Rentz is an REI employee and frequent volunteer on Sapelo Island for the Friends of the UGA Marine Institute. Her love of Georgia's coast spurred her to become an avid volunteer with the Georgia Conservancy which included hours chopping trail on Cumberland Island and single handily capture our entire weekend with her camera.
Her photography clearly chapters her love of Georgia's barrier islands and her passion for nature photography.
Visit Becky's photography website

Considered to be "the founding father of bio-chemistry" at Georgia Tech, this GT Regents Professor also understands a thing or two about photography.
James (Jim) Powers and his wife Chris have been Georgia Conservancy members for a number of years and are yearly participants on our trips to Cumberland and Sapelo Islands, as well as the Flint River. Many of our photos of these two islands come from Jim's creative vision and technical expertise.
The banner image that you see on our home page was produced by Jim from our favorite camping spot at Sapelo Island's Cabretta Beach.

Milton Bell spent a lifetime working for Delta and he has seen many of the worlds "most beautiful" places. But it's Georgia's mountains and coast that will always have a special place in his heart and in his photography. Milton's photos are often darker and mysterious than most, highlighting the subtlety of Georgia's beauty.
His most recent trips with us include our Cumberland Island Service Week and Weekend and our Cabretta Beach Adventure at Sapelo Island.
Visit Milton's photography website to see more of his shots from around the globe.