Parallel Trail

Distance - 6.1 mi.

Parallel Trail is Cumberland’s longest trail, which makes it an exhilarating journey for hikers who want an iconic Cumberland experience. Heading north, Parallel Trail achieves its name by running parallel to the Main Road and the beach. Parallel connects Sea Camp directly to Hickory Hill Campsite. It also intersects Pratts Trail, which takes backpackers directly to Stafford Campground. Numerous roads, trails, and beach access points intersect with Parallel Trail, giving hikers a variety of options to go out to the beach and see some other sights. The north end of Parallel Trail dead ends at Hickory Hill Campsite. The closest water source from here is approximately one mile north, traveling up Yankee Paradise Trail.

A common misconception among hikers is that the Main Road is a shortcut and trails are a longer distance to hike. Hiking to Hickory Hill or Yankee Paradise is a faster and more enjoyable experience along the footpath. Be sure to incorporate Parallel Trail as part of your day hike or backpacking wilderness adventure!


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