Blueprints for Successful Communities
A service of the Sustainable Growth Program, designed to facilitate community-based planning efforts across the state
Blueprints planning initiatives can occur at a variety of scales and locations, from the neighborhood to the county level, as well as along transportation and watershed corridors and in urban and rural areas throughout the state.
The Blueprints program brings together diverse groups of stakeholders and expertise from across disciplines to help a community develop an action plan that makes the most of their assets and faces their challenges head on. The Blueprints report is the community's implementation plan and their guide to achieving their vision.
Blueprints Projects & Principles
Since the Blueprints program's inception in 1995, we have worked in many different types of communities, including urban neighborhoods, transportation corridors, rural communities and environmentally-sensitive coastal areas. Blueprints has tackled issues related to:
Blueprints for Successful Communities is a part of the Georgia Conservancy's Sustainable Growth Program
Learn more about Blueprints:
If your community is interested in applying some of our principles or elements of our process, please download The Blueprints Process: A Guide
For more information on Blueprints for Successful Communities, please contact Georgia Conservancy President Katherine Moore at or Georgia Conservancy Senior Planner Nick Johnson at