Coastal Georgia
Georgia's coast stretches for 110 miles and features some of the nation's most pristine beaches, remote salt marshes and protected maritime forests.
A string of barrier islands, some only accessible by boat, remain largely untouched, offering a sanctuary for migrating birds and a home to a number of endangered or threatened species.
Protecting our coast has been a priority of the Georgia Conservancy for more than 55 years. We maintain an office in historic downtown Savannah, headed by Coastal Director Courtney Reich, and are working on a range of projects to protect this precious natural resource.
A healthy, resilient and diverse coastal ecosystem that can endure natural and human disturbances, an economy that offers diverse options including healthy, sustainable nature-based businesses such as commercial fishing and recreation-based tourism, and responsible planning for growth and conservation of sensitive coastal lands. Learn more >>
Here are some of the Current issues our Coastal office is involved with:
Okefenokee Swamp Stewardship
Protect the wild heart of Georgia - the Okefenokee Swamp. A proposed mineral mine at the edge of the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge threatens the future of the iconic Swamp.
Learn more about the Georgia Conservancy's annual Stewardship Trips on Georgia's Coast
Learn more about our annual celebration of the coast, the Oyster Roast
Read about our new Coastal Director, Courtney Reich
We’re at the State Capitol every day of the Legislative Session pushing for conservation-minded measures to protect our coastal resources:
Learn more about our advocacy work under the Gold Dome.
If you have any questions about our Coastal Program or would like to learn more, please contact Georgia Conservancy Coastal Director Courtney Reich at or at (912) 447-5910.